Harbour Gate FAQs

Harbour Gate is located in Dubai Creek Dubai

The developer of Harbour Gate is Emaar

The property types for Harbour Gate

The available bedrooms in Harbour Gate , , , Bedrooms

The property size in Harbour Gate 000 - 000 Sqft

Property Management Services

You can list your property in Harbour Gate by filling up the form in List Your Fto

To sell your property in Harbour Gate is thru Property Shop Investment

To rent your property in Harbour Gate is thru Property Shop Investment

Property Management

The best property management company in Harbour Gate is Property Shop Investment

Harbour Gate facts

Available Bedrooms 1, 2, 3, 4 Bedrooms
Project Name Harbour Gate
Property Type Residential Building
Property Unit Type Apartment, Apartment
Launch Date Feb 2017
Area Range 0 - 0
Location Dubai Creek
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Harbour Gate Overview

Welcome to Harbour Gate, primly located on The Island District, with panoramic views overlooking Dubai’s upcoming icon The Tower, the Marina and surrounded by lush green parks. A new venture from Emaar Properties, Dubai Creek Harbour will be both a financially viable and ecologically responsible city built with future generations in mind. Offering the best infrastructure, it is a place where people will live, work and play, a community where families can reach their aspirations for generations to come.  

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1-3 Bedroom Apartments & Duplexes | Savannah Town Square
VISTA Heights | PSI Real Estate
Rove Home Marasi Drive | PSI Real Estate